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2018 Factory Light Festival 「Sign of Life」

Sign of Life by Casber U Ka Kit for Factory Light Festival, @Limelight Academy.

A projection show for Norway, Slemmestad Factory Light festival,
facade is four abandoned cement factory silos.

Concept: “Minerals are everywhere in the universe. Minerals are fundamental elements to life. Life is born from them, starting from single cells to protist and to the formation of DNA. Animals such as trilobites, fish, plants and humans appear on the Earth, which is a sign of life in the universe.”

Projection Animation: Casber U@nebastudio
Video recorded: Kevin Harald Campean.
Music: “Melancholy” produced by SYT.

2018年9月,我們受邀參與挪威工廠光影節的建築物投影創作。作為受邀藝術家,我們為當地已荒廢的水泥廠創作名為「Sign of Life」的光影作品。作品主要把四個巨型泥圓筒想像成生命的容器,探究生物的跡象及各種特性,當中亦加入當地獨有的史前生物三葉蟲增加表演的在地性。